

What is massage good for?

A lot of people think of massage as a way of relaxing, which can be the case, but it is also used to reduce pain, increase movement and reduce those general aches we all get from time to time.

The benefits of massage:

  • Reduce Anxiety– massage helps you to relax, which in turn reduces anxiety.
  • Increased Energy – massage can leave you feeling invigorated and with more energy.
  • Pain reduction–  Massage helps reduce tightness in muscles and releases the bodies endorphins, which reduce how much pain we feel.
  • Reduced muscle tension– Massage helps muscles relax by generating heat, improving circulation and stretching the fibres of the muscle.
  • Reduced likelihood of injury – by returning muscles to their normal tension (or closer to it) you reduce the chance of them being injured, as well as ensuring normal forces are going through your joints, again reducing the chance of injury.

We genuinely believe it shouldn’t be seen as a luxury but instead a great way of reducing the likelihood of getting injured, and reducing pain from sitting for long periods at a desk for example.

Most of our Massage clients leave their first session wishing they had come sooner, and often make it an important part of their schedule from then on.

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Who should I see for massage?

We have both Physios and highly trained Massage Therapists giving massage treatments in our clinics.  They will take the time to understand your condition, your reason for coming for Massage, and then work with you to come up with a treatment plan that will best help you improve your condition and manage it in the long term.

They will generally use techniques from Swedish Massage and Sports Massage which are the deeper more therapeutic massage techniques which are most useful for relieving pain.

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Massage is not a luxury
Massage is not a luxury, it's a necessity

Everyone benefits from massage

A lot of people think that massage is just for sports people.  This is not the case.  We do see a lot of people who use massage as part of their training and exercise programme, but actually a majority of our Massage clients are people who sit at a desk all day, or spend a lot of time driving, or lifting and carrying for their job.  They use massage as a brilliant way to reduce the aches and pains that so many people put up with unnecessarily and stop them becoming a major pain or problem.

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